Animais de Rua
Animais de Rua is an organization that helps thousands of stray animals, neutering them so they don’t reproduce, providing medical care when they are sick, and feeding them. We promote a peaceful coexistence between animals and people, respecting both animal welfare and public health.
Animais de Rua is a training provider certified by DGERT.
In 2023, regarding the work carried out over the last 15 years, Animais de Rua has received public utility status.

Who are we
The problem resulting from the superpopulation of stray animals in Portugal is a reality. Animal rescue and shelter organizations (important and necessary to solve the problem of animals that already exist) do not have the financial or the human resources to tackle the fundamental problem of the many hundreds of thousands of dogs and cats that continuously reproduce in the public domain.
These animals live without access to basic health care, sufficient food, shelter or comfort, and they are victims of hunger, disease and abuse, condemned to short and sad lives.
Animais de Rua was created precisely to try to alleviate the suffering of these animals and to prevent others to be born under the same conditions. We direct our efforts and resources not only to the promotion of animals’ welfare but also to the defence of public health, as well as people’s safety and comfort.
Activity report
- Activity report of 2023
- Activity report of 2022
- Activity report of 2021
- Activity report of 2020
- Activity report of 2019
Social Entities

Population control and intervention program
A Portuguese society where animals are seen as a valuable part of community.
Provide national and local authorities, institutions and communities with the knowledge, resources, capacity and desire to improve animal welfare and ensure their needs are actively met.
All our resources will be used having animal interest and welfare as our first priority;
All our policies and decisions will be guided by strict ethical principles;
All our interventions will value the individual welfare of each animal;
All our interactions with any person, group, community, organization or authority will be respectful and cooperative;
All our volunteers and staff will incorporate the Animais de Rua’s values.
Where we are
The Animais de Rua Association operates nationwide and has the following areas of intervention, spread throughout the country: